Just some of the many reasons not to CHANT All Accidents Are Preventable…they most logically are NOT.

The illusion of Impossible made possible - It's illogical!

The illusion of Impossible made possible – It’s illogical!

Many 1000s of years of testing, observation and the scientific method in mathematics (statistics), physics, biology, chemistry and a much more fuzzy study of psychology (about 90 years worth) have demonstrated that perfection is not available to humans.

A few examples:

Things break (statistics, physics & chemistry) so are not perfect:

SOME humans are hypersensitive (biology) to some substances you won’t know until they have had an “accident” by their exposure:

There’s TONS of data on Human error and our lack of perfection:

Even fitting man to machine and their workplaces are often discovered ONLY after an accident:

Just start looking you’ll find it in seconds.

ALL = perfection and there is none available so how can ALL be an option? It’s not…So a statement based on perfection using imperfect things and humans CAN NOT logical conclude using any acceptable scientific and mathematical methods. Imperfection + Imperfection CANNOT = ALL


That being said, there is tons of evidence that we can improve once we have gained knowledge. Improvement is more the possible. It’s likely if we take the lessons

from our past and move forward with more knowledge.

Dan Petersen on Accountability and Counting Accidents


The late Dan Petersen discussing perception surveys (asking questions throughout the organization about safety management) and why counting accidents is illogical when trying to measure the existence of safety.

Even more:




Nothing like a bit of Evidence to let you KNOW when you’re Creating SAFETY!

Great Article By Cary Usrey, Scott Falkowitz

Sage Advice from Neil deGasse Tyson – “Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves and each other.”


“Question authority – No idea is true just because someone says so.

Think for yourself.

Question yourself.

Don’t believe anything just because you want to.

Believing something doesn’t make it so.

Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment.

If a favorite idea fails the test…it is wrong, get over it.

Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgement.

And perhaps the most important rule of all…remember YOU could be wrong.

Even the best scientists have been wrong about something. Newton, Einstein and every other great scientist in history. They all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves and each other.”


Neil deGrasse Tyson – Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey 06/08/2014