Avoid Seeking the Impossible

3 Santa Believe

There seems to be a theme lately in the Safety World – Humans intellectually looking for impossibly high reliability where there is none. Seeking perfection where none exists. Seeking Anti-fragile (I really don’t like that artificially created non-word) in a fragile reality. Looking for predictable outcomes in a random world.
We can only know what we know. Until of course we create perfect “future vision” and/or ”time travel” the unexpected is to be expected. We can only do what we can with what we have. Wishing and hoping for insight we can’t possibly have (expecting perfect Risk Assessment and Management for example). It is certainly interesting and increasingly frustrating to watch the safety community spin.
I prefer to focus on excellence with expected and predictable occasional failures. Reality is real! :O)

It’s not like listening to athletes who have just won something and explain that they gave 110%. Of course it’s not at all like believing in Santa!

Merry Christmas To ALL

SRL Announces Even More Ways To Help CRSP Candidates! FREE Questions – Downloads

We’re very proud to announce to our members who are preparing for their writing the BCRSP’s Examination that we’ve recently started a website to assist you in your studies. We’ve posted, for your FREE download, 90 questions (in Two Series of 45 questions). This would cost you over $80.00 on a competitor’s site!

Stay tuned for even more questions and study tips at:


Series ONE

Click to access safety-results-ltd-crsp-practice-questions-series-one-dec-2015.pdf

Series TWO

Click to access safety-results-ltd-crsp-practice-questions-series-two-dec-20151.pdf

For more information about our Courses, Coaching and Study Materials visit:

We’re Pleased To Announce a FREE Download of CRSP Examination Practice Questions/Answers

Series One is available for FREE DOWNLOAD!

Practice Questions/Answers Series One FREE DOWNLOAD!

The download contains questions that are presented by Safety Results Ltd. to assist the CRSP candidate to assess their own knowledge gaps. There are NOT created to simulate the multiple choice questions you will see on the BCRSP Examination.
“There are no hard questions if you know the answers.” – Alan D. Quilley
Focused study on gaps in your current knowledge will move you towards your goal of not only being successful on the BCRSP Examination, but to make you a more valuable resource for your clients and employers. Being able to fully describe, in detail, a subject will help prepare you to answer multiply choice questions you will face in the BCRSP Examination.

All questions are created from the current BCRSP’s Examination Blueprint, the BCRSP’s recommended reading texts and the BCRSP’s Study Guides as sources for the questions and answers. Safety Results Ltd. will not debate the answers to the questions with our clients. They are presented here FREE OF CHARGE and are Copyright Materials. Please DO NOT copy these files. If you would like to share these question please direct people to our websites:




Thank you for downloading and using the materials provided. Please let us know what you think. Respectful comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
Alan D. Quilley CRSP


Saying What Is REALLY Important Matters Part 2


What Does Counting Injuries as a Measure of Our Safety Process do to Our Risk Communication?

In Part 1, I outlined why I think counting injuries as some measure of safety is not only illogical, it does a great deal of damage. Leading the people you work with to think that as long as they don’t get hurt it must be OK. Imagine the trades person who just finished a job and took terrible risks (perhaps not locking out) and then his/her boss tells then they have done a GREAT JOB. At the end of the month we add insult to injury by celebrating an “injury free” month and hand out safety trinkets and repeatedly tell everyone (including your clients) “we had another SAFE month…keep up the good work!”
So let’s stop this madness and actually measure SAFETY. I propose that safety is doing what we need to do without taking unnecessary risks. We look at a job that is to be done and we evaluate the risks we face. We come up with a way to do the job that is the most safely productive way to do it without taking unreasonable and unnecessary risks. In the example above, working with electricity without locking out is terribly risky. It’s unnecessary to work without the protection of locking out the energy (at least in most cases except for highly trained and protected trades people who work with live electrical lines). So the challenge becomes deciding what needs to be done to manage the identified risk and taking those steps each and every time we’re going to do that job. If there are roadblocks to the chosen safe behaviours then we need to jointly devise ways to ensure the safe way becomes the natural way to do the job. Now we have some real things to measure that are creating safe production. Counting, measuring the creation of safety through our defined activities give us some real evidence-based data to work with. Now when we congratulate the people we work with on a good job…we can actually mean it!
So using the example above we can certainly measure if lock out processes are in place, we can also measure if the hardware is available. Then we can start to measure the compliance level and effectiveness of the process. Now when we see positive actions and evidence we truly have something to celebrate. If we find short comings we have something positive to work on and celebrate when we’ve accomplished our goals of creating safety. We’ll know without a doubt that we created the situation of ensuring we’ve locked out. Best of all we did it with our employees!

So there you have it Just some practical thoughts on what we can do to create and measure safety…give it a try. It’s a lot better than counting what didn’t happen and assuming we created the non-event. See how silly that sounds?